Taking the GJTA Foundation Course

The Global Japanese Tea Association is a non-profit organisation established in Japan in January 2019. It focuses on creating a community around education and information about Japanese tea. Connecting producers, other organisations and consumers around events, Q&A sessions, courses and more.

Taking the GJTA Foundation Course

The Global Japanese Tea Association is a non-profit organisation established in Japan in January 2019. It focuses on creating a community around education and information about Japanese tea. Connecting producers, other organisations and consumers around events, Q&A sessions, courses and more.

On October 6th, I took part in the Global Japanese Tea Association Foundation course. The course took place online for 2 hours once a week for a month. During the four sessions, we were led through six main topics:

  • History
  • Farming and Post-harvest processing
  • Tea kinds
  • Tea compounds
  • Brewing techniques
  • Storage conditions

There was also an initial overview of the actual situation of the Japanese tea industry. Essential to set the background for the current situation.

A careful and balanced dosage of information

Overall, the knowledge given in the course was not shallow or too in-depth. It has a generous dosage of information without being overwhelming. The explanation of the teas, the farmers producing them, and the gardens or regional backgrounds was great.

The experience of my instructor was very noticeable and clearly explained or clarified any doubts and questions we had. Stitching the gaps in some areas, giving context to others and explaining an up-to-date overview of the topics at hand.

Great course materials

All the materials for the course, teas, tea ware and the book: Japanese Tea: A Comprehensive Guide written by Simona, president of the association, are sent in a carefully packaged box. Simona was also my instructor for this course. The tea ware provided is a complete set of brewing tools, a great companion after completing the course.

The teas provided for the course were excellent, high-quality teas. Clearly labelled and identifiable, with some extra information given by the instructor on each one of them. This shows the care of the materials for the course. An additional package is provided for you to brew outside classes.

I already had a copy of the book before enrolling in the course. While not actively used in the classes, keep it at hand and read the pertinent sections before and after each class. It's a great guide to refresh the points learned during classes. It is a short guide that can be easily read and consulted at any moment.

Great experience with few shortcomings

I had read some books in English and Japanese about Japanese tea before. As well as watched videos from the association, the ones from the Tea Marathon or other events with tea farmers. Additionally, I worked for a coffee and tea company for almost 6 years, so my starting point was perhaps different from that of other students.

Personally, this course was more about learning from an experienced instructor, which was invaluable to me. I would have wanted to learn more about the specifics of processing the leaves, which we went quickly through, and perhaps a more in-depth comparison of how that affects the final cup.

On the other hand, for someone dipping their toes for the first time, overall, it is a good starting point. The tea's chemical compounds section could be a bit overwhelming for some people. The instructor made it easy to follow. It is a particular topic and highly dependent on the instructor giving the class, perhaps.

The course does a fantastic job of establishing foundational knowledge about Japanese tea. For others, being an overview of all these topics without getting into any particularity might not be what they are looking for.

Overall experience

I had a great time, tasted and evaluated great teas, and had good conversations and great answers to my questions about the different topics. I recommend this course to anyone with an interest in Japanese tea. The experience and the contents are great, and the people behind the association, both the people running it and the members, are a fantastic community.

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